Dating Ex-Patriates: Tips

Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Lorii Abela, author of Sexy Secrets to a Juicy Love Life: Based on your experience, both personal and professional, for locals who want to pursue a relationship with an Asian ex-pat, what tips or cultural insights can you share with our listeners?



Lorii Abela

Dating Ex-Patriates: Ex-Pats Socialize

You have to remember that all of these people who are ex-patriates usually hang out together.

Let’s say that you met someone in your office. This is not the person who is necessarily for you. Maybe this person is a go-between.

Let’s say this person is hosting a party at his or her house. You go to the party. You want to meet other people that they’re friends with.

Friends of friends are always good prospects. You already have something in common.

You can guarantee that this person is reliable because you know that your friend is reliable. Friends usually have the same values.


Dating Ex-Patriates: Visit Cultural Events

You can also look at different activities at the embassies. They usually have activities for locals. They are trying to help other people from their country. They usually host different events.

If you’re specifically looking for a particular country then you can focus on that.


Dating Ex-Patriates: Their Cultural Habits

Asians like eating. Let’s say that you go to an Indian trip. Usually, there are a lot of Indian restaurants attached to each other, for example in Chicago.

If you’re interested in Chinese then you go to a Chinatown area. There are areas with different backgrounds.

The tendency is to be together with other people in their culture and enjoy whatever their lifestyle was where they lived.


Tell Us:

Dating ex-patriates sounds like a great cultural experience! Have you dated an ex-pat? Tell us about your most interesting date in the comments section.


The above is an excerpt from Jasbina’s interview with Lorii Abela

The entire interview transcript is at: Lorii Abela Interview – Sexy Secrets to a Juicy Love Life

Listen to the entire interview on: Intersections Match Talk Radio – Jasbina’s Lifestyle Show

Listen to the entire interview on Blog Talk Radio: Sexy Secrets to a Juicy Love Life – Lorii Abela

Listen to the entire interview on iTunes
