Ready to Date?

Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Cija Black, author of in Modern Love: The Grownup’s Guide to Relationships & Online Dating: That’s such an empowered way of living. You have a choice, and you’re recognizing that there are choices.

What are some indicators for someone who is wondering if they’re ready to date?

Are there any indicators that someone might not be ready to date? Maybe it’s not the right time to make those choices.



Cija Black

Ready to Date?: Cues You Are Not

If you’re still blaming your ex or hung up on past situations that haven’t worked, if you feel like your potential dating pool is full of predators or sharks, or if you see it as an adversarial situation, these things might be a good indication that you might want to take a little time to heal.


Ready to Date?: Decide What You Want

Get a sense of what you want. See it as a situation that you want to invite into your life. Then you’re not afraid of it.

You’re not still tender from a relationship that didn’t work.


Ready to Date?: Get Excited

You want to make sure that you’re ready to jump into dating with the approach that you’re excited about it. You’re excited to meet new people. You’re excited to let new people know you.

A lot of people do it because they feel that’s just what they’re supposed to do. That’s their obligation.


Ready to Date?: Lose the Baggage

Don’t be single. That’s the worst thing in the world. They think, “I should dive right back in. That’s the way to solve a broken heart.”

It’s not. You’re going to drag that baggage with you.


Tell Us:

Single folks, what clues do you notice to ensure you’re ready to date? Share with us in the comments section below.


The above is an excerpt from Jasbina’s interview with Cija Black

The entire interview transcript is at: Cija Black Interview – Modern Love: The Grownup’s Guide to Relationships & Online Dating

Listen to the entire interview on: Intersections Match Talk Radio – Jasbina’s Lifestyle Show

Listen to the entire interview on Blog Talk Radio: Modern Love: The Grownup’s Guide to Relationships & Online Dating

Listen to the entire interview on iTunes
