Women Too Busy To Date?

Jasbina Ahluwalia asks Marla Martenson, author of entitled Hearts on the Line: The Elusive Pursuit of Love in the City of Angels: You have a second type of client. You mentioned women in their late thirties.

They’re thinking, “I’m not quite where I wanted to be at this point.” What are some patterns you see regarding what those women are looking for?



Marla Martenson

The women who come to me that want kids are pretty successful.

Women Too Busy To Date: Real-Life Examples

I work with a woman who runs a hospital. She’s extremely busy.

There is another woman in finance making a lot of money.

They were working and never concentrated hard on that area. They’re still working hard.

Women Too Busy To Date: No Follow-Up

I’ll match them up with people and then they don’t have time to meet them.

Sometimes they will say, “I’m literally busy for three weeks.” That guy might get involved with someone else or lose interest.

Then I have to find someone else. They don’t call them back.

They’ve come to me with their hard-earned money and dreams of finding Mr. Right and having a family but they have not made that a priority in some way.


Tell Us:

Do you find women too busy to date? Tell us what you’ve experienced in the comments section below.


The above is an excerpt from Jasbina’s interview with Marla Martenson

The entire interview transcript is at: Marla Martenson Interview – Insights on Matchmaking & Dating

Listen to the entire interview on: Intersections Match Talk Radio – Jasbina’s Lifestyle Show

Listen to the entire interview on Blog Talk Radio: Hearts On The Line – Discussion with Marla Martenson

Listen to the entire interview on iTunes
